Things You Need To Know When Considering An Electric Bike

12 January 2023
 Categories: , Blog


Electric bikes can be a great way to get around town, but they are not all created the same, so getting one that suits your needs often takes some research. The type of bike, the motor size, and the battery capacity are all critical. If you are going to use the bike daily, the distance you can travel with it is important to consider. 

Motors And Battery Usage

One of the first things you need to know about electric bikes is that the motor sizes affect the range of the e-bike. The bigger the motor you get, the more power it requires. For larger riders, a more powerful motor is recommended, but it is critical to check the average distance that a motor can handle for a rider your size. 

If you can get a larger battery as an option, you may want to consider it to ensure you get where you are going without any issues. You can find a place to charge your bike if necessary before heading home, but if a larger capacity battery gets you there and back on one charge, it may be worth the additional cost. 

Riding Style

While electric bikes are capable of being ridden like a scooter or motorcycle, they are not intended to be. The motor is there to make riding easier and assist you with pedaling the bike. If you use the pedals while you are riding somewhere, you can use less battery power and extend your range. 

However, if you are going to ride the bike without pedaling, it is a good idea to use the throttle lightly and try to maintain a cruising speed that is not holding the motor at full RPMs to your destination. This riding style is better for the bike and will help reduce battery usage and motor wear, and it is safer in most cases. 

Frame Size

Choosing an electric bike is similar to a standard bicycle and starts with picking one that fits you. The frame size can play a significant role in how comfortable the bike is and whether you can ride it safely. 

A bike shop selling e-bikes can fit you for the best frame size and help you pick a model with all the features you want or need. If you are considering buying an electric bike directly from the manufacturer, you may want to have the bike shop fit you and then use that information to select the right size and model when you are ready to place your order. 

Most bike shops that sell e-bikes will also service them, so establishing a relationship with them is a good idea. 

For more information about electric bikes, contact a local company.